09.07.2024 Experts call for holistic approach when looking at carbon sequestration in Wadden Sea The Wadden Sea has significant potential for carbon sequestration, yet the precise contribution of specific habitats to greenhouse gas reduction has not been quantified on a trilateral scale. Read more
01.07.2024 Grey seal numbers in Wadden Sea increase with slowing pace The grey seal numbers in the Wadden Sea and Helgoland continue to grow, though at a lower rate than last year. Read more
26.06.2024 Wadden Sea Celebrates 15th Anniversary as a UNESCO World Heritage Site Today marks a significant milestone for the Wadden Sea as it celebrates its 15th anniversary since being inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Read more
13.06.2024 Trilateral Wadden Sea community mourns the passing of Klaus Töpfer The former Federal Minister for the Environment, Prof Klaus Töpfer, was a pioneer of the trilateral Wadden Sea policy. Read more
29.05.2024 New status report on harbour and shipping operations in the Wadden Sea Shipping and harbour operations are an important economic factor throughout the Wadden Sea and pose challenges to its dynamic ecosystem. Read more
28.05.2024 German and Swiss World Heritage site representatives exchanged ideas in Constance “Overcoming borders, discovering new horizons” was the title of this year's annual conference of the German and Swiss World Heritage Associations and the German and Swiss UNESCO Commissions. Read more
27.05.2024 Registration opened for online workshop on carbon sequestration How does preserving the Outstanding Universal Value of the Wadden Sea contribute to the greenhouse gas reduction targets of the European Union? Read more
23.05.2024 Wadden Sea in open competition for most esteemed landmarks in Germany The Wadden Sea World Heritage Site, a site of unparalleled natural beauty and significance, is a contender for German National Tourist Board competition for the most esteemed landmarks. Read more
22.05.2024 Wadden Sea Celebrates 15 Years as UNESCO World Heritage Site: A Milestone of Collective Responsibility 2024 marks the 15th anniversary of the Wadden Sea's designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a celebration of shared responsibility and commitment to preserving one of the world's most precious natural wonders. Read more
22.05.2024 Five applications awarded for research about the Wadden Sea The Netherlands and Germany have invested 15 million euros in five research projects that will study the relation between sediment, ecology, human co-use, flood safety and effective protection and management in the Wadden Sea. Read more
21.05.2024 Wadden Sea participation at the Korean Getbol International Symposium Representing the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation (TWSC), Soledad Luna (Common Wadden Sea Secretariat) and Anja Szczesinski (WWF Germany) were invited. Read more
20.05.2024 43rd meeting of the Wadden Sea Board held on Ameland The interaction of effects of different activities in and around the Wadden Sea World Heritage property were in focus during the 43rd meeting of the Wadden Sea Board (WSB) on Ameland, Netherlands, on 15-16 May 2023. Read more