Trilateral Wadden Youth Weekend
Schiermonnikoog (NL)

The Trilateral Wadden Youth Weekend brings together young adults who are already involved with or are enthusiastic about the Wadden Sea World Heritage. It aims to gather different perspectives and values of the Wadden Sea and to elaborate on youth's values of it.
The event is organised by a small group of engaged people that resulted from the first Trilateral Youth Conference in 2022. The aim is to start a Trilateral Youth Network that connects and encourages youth involvement in the Wadden Sea on a trilateral basis. The organisation is supported by the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS) and financially supported by the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation (TWSC).
Invited are young adults representing the Wadden Sea countries – Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands – who are
- Between the ages of 18 and 28
- Involved in the site conservation, volunteers, students, young professionals, employees or entrepreneurs in related fields of activity, native to or living in the region.
The aim is to have up to 45 participants from the three countries, also balanced in age, gender and relationship with the site. There are no fees. The conference activities, lodging and meals are fully funded, and the travel costs subsidised.
To register, please fill out the form below: